Is All “Love”, Love?

By Ricky Chelette, Executive Director

This Sunday morning, America woke to learn of the horrific mass murder in Orlando. My heart is grieved over the senseless and savage execution of fellow humans. Every act of murder is hate—wherever, whenever. As the pundits tried to make sense of the tragedy, voices emerged that scurried for explanations, reasons, and rationale for acts that make no real sense.

On the Tony Awards that evening, decorated actor Lin-Manuel Miranda shared a sonnet in which he proclaimed that “love is love, is love, is love, is love…” to the uproarious applause of the audience. His words may have acted as a salve to the audience’s raw and wounded hearts, but in reality, his statement was a lie. In fact, it is because of “love” the shooter risked his life to murder people he did not know. He “loved” his ideology, whatever that might be. He “loved” his hate more than he even loved his life. Thus, we can only conclude that all “love” is not the same.

We live in a world with a continually shifting definition of love. We define love as whatever makes you feel good, your personal pleasure, doing what you feel is right, believing whatever you want to believe, and expressing your ideas, thoughts, life choices, proclivities, and political ideologies. We say we “love” everything:  our phones to sports, our pets to the latest song, our sweet grandmother or our political affiliation, our religion to our rage. But the kind of love and the source of that love determines how you live. Words mean something, and beliefs matter. Ultimately, how we live demonstrates what we love. All “love” is not the same. We desperately need love, but not just any “love.”

God is love, but not the kind of boundary-less, nebulous, and ultimately meaningless love the world touts. God’s love is extended to everyone, everywhere, with an invitation to a meaningful, joyous life He has created for us. God’s love is not ethereal, not just ideological or theoretical, but a genuine love that is demonstrated best in the Gospel  God so loved us that He gave His very son for the redemption of mankind (Jn. 3:16). That is real love—love that sacrifices at great cost, not one that simply satisfies personal pleasures, passions, or pursuits.

The world desperately needs real love, God’s love, a love that doesn’t seek to destroy others but seeks to serve and care for others. The world needs to see that love is not a feeling. It is an action lived out in loving ways by people who are willing to get messy, to risk big, to give lavishly, and sacrifice all for the good of others.

I pray those who know real love will rise up and serve, love, care, give, sacrifice, and, most importantly, share the great love they know.

I’m praying for Orlando, for those who have lost those they love, for those who are watching the response of each of us, and for those who are scared, frightened, and uncertain of what their tomorrows will hold. Real Love is with us and He has an answer  I pray we all find it.

Change is Happening!

The budding trees and the smells of flowers signal the arrival of spring. It is a new season and the plants which had been silently gaining strength over the winter months spring forth with new vigor and life. It’s a beautiful time of the year.

I love the rhythm of life God has so beautifully designed in the world. It lets us know things are moving forward, change is happening, and yet there is still order.

In much the same way organizations also have “seasons.  For the past seven years we have had an amazing woman at the helm of our Women’s Ministry, D’Ann Davis.  She has served selflessly and faithfully (You can read more about my thoughts about her here).  As this ministry is both intense and emotionally taxing, she has felt the need to step away from ministry to pursue other interest and a time of refreshing and personal renewal.  I and this ministry will certainly miss her and we are indebted to her for the deep contributions she has made to LHM and all those who were touched by her powerful service among us.

Welcome Bonnie Scasta!

This past week, we have named Bonnie Scasta as our new Women’s Ministry Director. She is no stranger to our ministry.  She has been a part of LHM since 2009 and has served as the Assistant to D’Ann in the women’s ministry for theist two years. She brings a wealth of gifts, talents, integrity, commitment and a deep sense of calling, to this position.Bonnie closeup_web

Bonnie has an undergraduate degree from Texas A&M in psychology and a Masters of Arts in Christian Counseling  from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.  She has worked for the past three years for the Tarrant County Women’s Center as a Community Educator Specialists for abuse prevention in children and teens.  In addition to serving on LHM staff as assistant to the Women’s Ministry Director, she also served LHM as a women’s small group leader and assisted as an administrator on our online support forums.  Her contagious sense of joy, her deep commitment to Christ, His Church, and His people, and her sincere sense of calling make her perfectly suited for this position.  Bonnie also has a very personal connection to this ministry as the daughter of a father who is gay-identified (you can read Bonnie’s story here).   Her personal struggles in coming to terms with her father’s choices, have uniquely shaped and impacted her life.  Her experience has given her incredible passion, love, empathy and care for both those who are journeying with family members and loved ones, and for those who are experiencing struggles personally.   She is actively involved in CityView Church in Fort Worth, serves in their children’s ministry, and helps volunteers get connected to serving opportunities.  She is originally from Huntsville, TX, but has been living in the Metroplex for the past seven years.

We are excited to have Bonnie as a part of our team and anticipate the amazing ways in which God will use her to proclaim His grace and truth.  Please join me in welcoming  and praying for Bonnie as she enters this new season.

A Christmas Party Like No Other


By Ricky Chelette, Executive Director

The house was beautifully decorated. Our host had adorned every surface with something of Christmas. The smells of spiced apple cider, fresh baked goodies and savory soup hung in the air. People arrived from all over Texas, many driving long distances to attend. Some people were weekly participants in the ministry, others we hadn’t seen in months. All came to celebrate a singular truth: Jesus transforms our lives!

Midway through the evening we all crammed into one room, around the tree, and begin singing the great carols of the season, a cappella. If you’ve never heard LHM sing, you are missing a real blessing. There’s something profound about the songs of the redeemed rising from the hearts of people who are keenly aware of what they have been saved from. Gratitude and grace flow from every singer like a mighty river, flooding the room with beautiful sounds of praise.

But that is when a LHM party becomes very different from most Christmas gatherings. At the end of each song, someone would  step forward and share what God had been doing in their life the past year. One by one, people would stand to proclaim the goodness of God and the wonderful grace and truth they had found through the teaching of the Gospel at Living Hope. The faces around the room were fixed on each speaker and the room filled with hope and anticipation of what would be shared.

One young man shared how a little over a year ago, he left his state and town as a drug dealer/user and a gay-identified young man to come to LHM for help. He had met with me once as a very young teen, but at that time, youth and the allure of immediate pleasures outweighed sound doctrine and Biblical truth. He spent the next several years entrapped in drugs and empty relationships. He shared how he now had been sober for over a year and had experienced freedom and hope he never thought was possible. He had met Jesus in ways he had only heard about from others, but now had experienced for himself. The Gospel had changed his life!

A young woman shared how she too had come to the ministry many years before, but had decided she simply wanted to be gay. She spent the last several years entangled in a relationship that stole her joy and her will to go on. At just the right moment, in the midst of those down times, she would often get a text or email from D’Ann, letting her know that she was in her prayers and that we were here for her if she was ready to come back. No condemnation. No shame. Just a “welcome home, we’ve been waiting for you. Just recently, this young woman called D’Ann, made personal efforts to attend the group, and sort through the intermittent years of hurt and pain. God was at work in her heart and she was excited to see what He was going to do.  She had hope!

After another song, a young couple moved to the front to share. He was involved in LHM for several years and found great freedom and healing from drugs and homosexuality. He eventually met his (now) wife, and she too attended LHM to better understand her then boyfriend, (now) husband. They shared how the truths of Gospel had transformed both their hearts. They shared how excited they were to recently discover she was pregnant then sadly miscarried their child months into the pregnancy. Sad, but not defeated, the lessons of perseverance they had learned and the faithfulness of God they had experienced, gave them the ability to trust God in the midst of this new challenge. Today, God is working through them to share with their church and community, the power of the Gospel to transform lives. They are becoming great evangelists!

Another young man, now in his thirties, shared that though he has not attended group as often as he once did, God was mightily at work in his life. He considered the group to be like family to him as they had been there for him through many difficult situations in his life. He was now strongly plugged into a local church, a small group, doing well, discipling other young men, and joyfully serving in his church. In fact, he was excited to announce that he was now dating a young lady and preparing to propose marriage in the days ahead. He is about to become a husband!

A parent stood to share that though their child was still actively gay-identified and had no desire for church or the things of God, he was continually encouraged by the lives of those he saw weekly at LHM group meetings who were making God-honoring choices in the face of increasing cultural pressures. He was excited to hear the life stories and see the transformation of so many who had found the work of Christ superior to anything offered by the world. He knew that God was good and He was at work even when he could not see God working. He had great hope for the future!

Those are just a few of the stories. I could go on and on. After each song, there were more amazing stories of God’s power, grace and redemption. Our Savior made His presence known among His people and we gave witness to the power of the Gospel to transform hearts and lives.

As I listened to their stories I was reminded of a vision the Lord continues to give me: It is a vision of strugglers standing in churches and in the public square, proclaiming the change that has taken place in their lives through the Gospel to a world that says that our sexual identity is fixed and immovable. It is men, women, children and families rising up and declaring that they would not even exist if it were not for the work of Christ in their lives transforming their mom’s, their dad’s, their husband’s, or their wife’s heart. It is the world believing that change is impossible, hearing these testimonies and seeing these people, and falling before the Lord in repentance and surrender to the power of the Gospel. It is Rev. 12:11 coming to life before unbelieving eyes: “And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, and they did not love their life even when faced with death.”  I believe it is the next great revival in America ushered in by modern-day miracles of transformation and redemption. It well may be the next great awakening! The LHM Christmas party is indeed a party like no other because it is about a God like no other: Jesus, the Lord of Lord, the King of Kings, the Prince of Peace – God with us!

Welcome Home!

by Ricky Chelette, Executive Director

What would it be like to have every sin forgiven and every bad deed forgotten? What would it be like to come home – not to a house, but to a place of grace and truth and lavish love?

The story of the prodigal son is that very story – a story of truth, grace and coming home.  It has captured the hearts and imaginations of man for centuries. It appears in chapter 15 of Luke’s Gospel.  It is a beautiful story of prodigals and a good, loving, and gracious father.

Though written  centuries ago, it is really the story of all of our lives. It is a picture of the character of God, the sinfulness of man, the power of repentance, and the power of lavish grace and forgiveness. It is a story almost too good to be true, but it is, and it’s a story I see lived out week after week.

It often begins with a simple text message, email or call that says, “can you help me?” The conversations that follow are often complex and filled with emotions, uncertainties, and confusion.  The paths back home are different, the circumstances unique, but each has a resolve that always points to one truth – a longing to come home!  In much the same way, Luke puts it in these words, “But when he came to himself” (vs 17). There is something in the heart of man that wants to be right with God our Father, that longs for peace and congruity.  Our heart wants to invest itself in something more than passing pleasures and temporal joy. At the core of every human cry for help is a desire for God. He has placed it there and most will spend our lives either enjoying it, or trying to fill it with cheap counterfeits.

What I love about Luke’s story is he is not as concerned about the son’s bad choices and rebellion as he is about the Father’s response when the son comes home.  Verse 20 states, “But while he was still a long way off his father saw him and felt compassion…”  In a world where Christianity and religious beliefs are more often associated with hate and vitriol than love and grace, the Bible is quick to remind us that the heart of God is a father who loves his children, is ever-watching for them, and is moved with compassion when they turn towards home.

Not only was the father filled with compassion, Luke goes on to say, “[the father] ran and embraced him and kissed him.”  The father “ran” to the son.   We have no idea how old this son was, but he was old enough to live on his own, take his inheritance, and engage in all manner of adult activities.  That makes his father more than likely a middle-aged man, maybe even older.  The father is not the age of a man you normally associate with running uncontrollably in public.  But when the father sees the son moving towards home, he “ran.”  Why?  Because good dads are moved with great joy and overflowing emotion when they see their son or daughter coming home. Like the father, God not only moves towards us, but He is filled with compassion and love.  Luke says that after running to the son the father “embraced him and kissed him.”  God not only wants us to know forgiveness and love, He really wants us to feel and experience it.  There is no condemnation.  No judgment.  No lecture or chiding.  Just compassion and overflowing love.  I’m sure there were conversations and discussion about all that had taken place, lessons learned, etc., but that was for another time. On this day it was a call to celebration!

The father’s response is to free the son from his slavery to lesser things and restore his connection as son.  He places a robe upon his back, a ring of sonship on his finger and calls for a feast to celebrate his son who once was lost, but now has been found. This is a picture of the God we serve, the God who gave His only son for our redemption. This is The God who loves us enough to leave heaven and join us on earth to demonstrate His love to us by giving His life on a cross for our sins.  This is true Father’s love and it cost Jesus His very life. This is our prodigal journey.  This is our prodigal, homecoming feast!

As we contemplated what the theme of this year’s banquet/celebration would be I was drawn to this story in Luke.  Despite a culture that has completely embraced homosexuality as normative, God continues to call men and women out of the far country and back to their home with Him.

On October 17th we will celebrate these powerful, real life stories – stories of prodigals who have returned home.  We hope you will join us for an unforgettable encounter with the grace and truth of a redeeming God who runs to meet us when we turn towards Him and seeks to restore us.

Maybe you need to come home, be forgiven, find that peace that passes all understanding, and be reunited with author and creator of your soul?  Our Father offers forgiveness and grace. He is filled with compassion and love.  He is waiting for you, watching and eagerly anticipating your return.  Won’t you join us as we come home and celebrate a prodigal feast!

Tickets are on sale now and limited to 500.  Tables are $400 and individual tickets are $45 and can be purchased here.  Deadline to purchase tickets is October 9th, midnight.  Come to the prodigal feast and be blessed!

When Wrong Becomes Right

by Ricky Chelette, Executive Director

The crowds gather as they had many times before. A personality is in town and folks seek him out. He appeared a short time before, but then it was different; then he was greeted with praise. Now he stands before a political leader, beaten and scorned, but innocent. The leader acknowledges his innocence and finds no fault in the man worthy of death. Even the governor’s wife is convinced of the goodness of this now bloody, falsely accused man.

But governors are influenced by people and are often more concerned with expedient peace and maintaining power, than true leadership. As a result, the governor offers the people a choice between a good man and a guilty man filled with evil. He hoped people would make the reasonable, rational choice and free the good man and convict the evil man, but they did not. Fueled by convincing but false rhetoric from opposing forces, the mob chooses to defy logic and reason. They seek to kill the good man and free the evil man.

The good man is taken and killed in the cruelest of fashion as the crowd mocked and watched him slowly die.

The mob was shortsighted. The governor was misguided. The opposition leaders were blinded to the truth, but wrong was declared right: An innocent man died and a guilty man was set free.

Truth was abandoned. Reason was surrendered. Even common sense and logic were dismissed as the momentum built toward an orchestrated end. Wrong was declared right and the people rejoiced, but not all of them. A small group of people believed in truth and the goodness of the man. They wondered what would happen next? How would life be different? How would they move forward? What would become of their movement? Would they survive?

They could not imagine what was in store for them. They were certain life as they knew it was over. Their dreams defeated; their lives forever altered.

Man might declare wrong to be right, but God always has a greater good to disclose – a good that would eclipse and redeem the wrong.

God did what only God could do: He raised not just a good man, but the God-man from the dead never to die again and the world would never be the same. Love did win, but not the love contrived by men. It was love grounded in Truth, real Truth, who had been at work since the beginning of time – a redeeming love that covered even the wrong declared right by people past, present, and future.

The Gospel is the story of wrong declared right. It is the Truth who covers all wrongs to declare those who would believe, right with God. Today that same Gospel is at work taking our broken and selfish lives and transforming them to beautifully declare the glories and the majesties of God. It won’t make sense to everyone, not even to most, but for those who have ears to hear…

Be encouraged. The Gospel has not changed. Christ has not changed. Truth will triumph. Redemption has and will come. Transforming love will win. The people of God will be gathered for the greatest marriage celebration: The Lamb and His bride.

In the meantime we will continue to declare Jesus and Him crucified, the hope of the world. We will continue to share the transformational power only found in Jesus. We will stand and we will continue to love with real love – love that returns good for evil, rejoices in difficulties, and lays down his life for others so they may find hope in the One who was incredibly wronged so we might be made right forever.


Living Hope Now Has An App

For years people have asked us for more content, more teachings, more things that can be of encouragement to them as they make their journey through each week following Jesus.  We have now developed an app that helps you do just that. Each week we have new devotionals and sermons that are uploaded for you to read and listen.  We also have other resources and videos  from time to time; you can even give through this app to support the world-wide work of LHM.

The app is available here for Android,  Apple, and Windows products, phones, tablets and devices. And best of all, it’s FREE!  We’d love to hear what you think about the app so be sure to write us and let us know on our contact us page.

We are excited for 2015 and anticipate exciting work the Lord wants to do in each of our lives.

Celebrating 25 Years of the Gospel’s Transforming Power!

This year, Living Hope Ministries celebrates 25 years of walking with people and families who are seeking sexual and relational wholeness through a more intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. In that quarter century we have seen thousands upon thousands of lives transformed and changed.  We have seen families reunited and reconciled, marriages saved, and men and women embracing their created uniqueness as gender-whole people.

 We have seen miracles: lives saved physically and spiritually, babies born, families formed, and lives refined and honed by the transformational power of the Gospel.  Despite the demise of some national organizations and a cultural shift to approve same sex relationships, God continues to move powerfully through Living Hope Ministries.

 Today, we are stronger than we have ever been as a ministry.  Our annual celebration/ fundraiser banquet has consistently sold out with 500 in attendance for the past two years.  We have raised more money this past year than ever in the history of LHM.  In just two months, between North Texas Giving Day and the banquet, you donated $140,000 to help us help those seeking sexual and relational wholeness.  We have moved my ministry assistant, Samuel Parrish, to full time and also made him our Young Men’s Ministry Director. We have added Chris, as our part-time Director of Media and Communications, and Bonnie, as Ministry Assistant for Women’s Ministry.  Our Denton, Texas satellite continues to grow and we are planning to launch two new satellites in the spring of 2015: one in Friendswood, Texas and one in Charleston, South Carolina.  We published another beautiful magazine filled with amazing stories of transformation and hope, and we launched an LHM App to further help those seeking sexual and relational wholeness through Christ.  We could not have accomplished any of this without YOU!  God is so good!

But the year has not been without its difficulties.  We had to suspend our Bryan/College Station satellite because our Director, Brock, was stricken with leukemia (though he is presently in remission and doing well – praise God!).  Because we won a category for most unique givers from 6p – 12p on North Texas Giving Day, we were awarded $5,000.  That was great news to us, but one pro-gay activist decided LHM was a hate organization because we uphold a traditional, orthodox view of sexuality.  He contacted the foundation that gave the award, and the award was promptly withdrawn without them ever actually talking with us to discover what it was that LHM actually does.  Additionally, four articles appeared with gross misrepresentations of LHM’s ministry, three directly related to the award prize.  One of the articles was picked up by a national online publication.  But God has used each difficulty to strengthen the ministry, broaden our reach, and allow others who might never hear about us to learn of the hope and help we offer.  Indeed what the devil intended for evil, God intended for good. 

As you read amazing stories like that of Kevin, or those in the magazine, know that this transformation happens not because we have a great method for helping people, or because we have some wonderful program for recovery, accountability, or help, but because we believe the Gospel, when embraced, actually transforms people’s lives.  The Gospel is THE message LHM shares with everyone who has ears to hear.  We believe the work of Christ on the cross and the power that raised Him from the dead is the only hope for humanity to live and flourish as God designed.

We ask that you continue to pray for LHM and financially support the work we are doing to proclaim God’s truth as lives are transformed and hearts are made new in Christ!  We simply cannot do it without YOU!  In a day when to even suggest that the only expression of Biblical sexuality is that between a man and a woman, married and committed to each other for life, is to be perceived as speaking something utterly hateful and bigoted, we need your support. We also ask that you let people know that LHM is here ready to help those who are conflicted, their friends and family, and the church as each seeks to navigate these confusing times while maintaining both grace and truth.  We would be honored to speak to your church or organization. We would love for your church to partner with LHM.  We would be humbled and blessed to help your congregation be a truly loving and transformational church.

Thank you for your support, prayers, and encouragement.  God is good and He is faithful to do that which man thinks is impossible!

For the praise of His Glorious Name,

Ricky Chelette
Executive Director



Talking to Children About Sexuality

Talking to children about sexuality is often very awkward for most parents.  I’ve recently been asked by several folks to give them a primer on when and how to talk to children about homosexuality. I’m certainly no expert on children, but I have talked to lots of people about sex!   I don’t think singling out homosexuality is a healthy way to talk about sex, so I decided to put things in the much larger context of Biblical sexuality in general. I hope you find the resource helpful to you and feel free to pass on the link to friends.

Talking to Children About Sex

Happy Educating!

Sin Needs Christmas

by Ricky Chelette, Executive Director

No one likes to admit their faults or their weaknesses.  In fact, most of us spend inordinate amounts of time trying to hide anything we perceive as less than the perceived standard we, or our culture, create in our minds.  But experiential reality would quickly correct our thinking.  Simple observation of humanity and its plight throughout history would indicate we are indeed flawed. We are captivated by personal advancement and innate selfishness that, by its very object, diminishes the advancement and flourishing of others. Observing little children at play will quickly show we are not altruistic creatures, but self-seekers and power-grabbers, positioning to advance ourselves at the expense of others.  We seek our own glory and eagerly displace the glory of others and God.  In simple terms, we are sinners.

We don’t like to admit that we sin.  In fact, it seems our modern world goes to great lengths to justify our sin and our personal responsibility for it with ingenious and often psychologically reasoned blame-shifting.  We cite early childhood depravations, woundings, abuse, lack of attachments, bullying, marginalization, and the list goes on and on.  No doubt such things cause hurts, wounds, and hang-ups in our lives, but the core of our problem is not the wounds of others or even ourselves. Our problem is SIN.

The mere mention of the word brings disdain to the face of many moderns.  We don’t like its archaic moorings, its ties to religion, or its insistence that we are less than we were created to be.  We are troubled we can’t seem to prevent its allure and ultimately its seduction.  We somehow believe if we say we are okay long enough and loud enough, we will be.  But we are not.  We are sinners.

According to Scripture, our sinfulness began soon after we did, in the garden – in that utopian environment created for human flourishing (Gen 3).  Romans 5:12 puts it this way, “Therefore, just as sin came into the world through one man, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because all sinned.” And in 3:23 it says, “all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.” The Bible seems to be clear about the sinfulness of humanity.  It agrees with what we can readily observe.

This is why Christmas is so important.  You see without a deep sense of our own sinfulness, Christmas has no real meaning.  We  should celebrate Christmas not because of presents and eggnog, or beautifully decorations and brightly lit trees, but because God provided for mankind what we could not provide for ourselves – a Savior, Christ Jesus our Lord!  

Therefore, the Gospel writers herald good news when they write, “She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins” (Matt 1:21).  Luke tells us that the One born was a fulfillment of the One promised in Isaiah 53, “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord” (Luke 2:11).  And John reports in 4:42, “we believe, for we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this is indeed the Savior of the world.” A Savior indicates the innate need to be saved from something and that something is the grip of sin.  We are sinners in need of a Savior.

This Christmas we need to embrace the reality of our sinfulness for in owning our sin, we realize our desperate need for a Savior. “For as by the one man’s disobedience the many were made sinners, so by the one man’s obedience the many will be made righteous” (Rom 5:19).  Jesus has entered the human predicament to be what humans could not be, sinless, and therefore qualify to take on our sin so we might be made right with God (2 Cor 5:21).

As we gather around the tree, the presents, and the family meals, my prayer is that we will thank God that He did not leave us in our sin, but provided a Savior.  I pray that we will embrace the reality of our sinfulness and know that our only hope is in Him.  I pray we will fully understand that sin needs Christmas because we need a Savior.

“Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord, nor of me his prisoner, but share in suffering for the gospel by the power of God, who saved us and called us to a holy calling, not because of our works but because of his own purpose and grace, which he gave us in Christ Jesus before the ages began, which now has been manifested through the appearing of our Savior Christ Jesus, who abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel” (2 Tim 1:10).

Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas…

At Living Hope Ministries we are deeply grateful to each of you for the prayers, love and support you offer our ministry. On behalf of myself and the staff of LHM we want to wish you and your family very wonderful Thanksgiving and Christmas season.

To help you navigate the sometimes difficult holiday season I have written a short survival guide to the holidays you  may find beneficial:  Surviving the Holidays

Know that we are grateful to God for you and pray His blessing upon you during this special season.