by Ricky Chelette, Executive Director
We humans love to make excuses. We love to justify our sins by citing circumstances, situations, traumas, lack of connections, care, comfort, and the list can go on forever. Rarely, however, do we acknowledge and take full ownership of our sins.
This problem is not a new one. In fact, it is a problem as old as our very beginning as human beings.
When Adam and Eve were in the garden, Adam was given a command by God, “You may surely eat of every tree of the garden, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die” (Gen 2:16-17). The command was simple, with both specific prohibitions and results if violated.
But knowing what is right and doing what is right are two very different things. We assume Adam instructed Eve about God’s command to not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. However, Eve was influenced by a serpent creature also present in the garden (Gen 3:1). His crafty speech convinced Eve that God may not be as good as she had thought and that His promises, both good and consequential, were not accurate. Seeing the beauty of the fruit of the tree and believing that she was in control, Eve ate the forbidden fruit and quickly gave it to her husband, Adam, and he ate it.
Most Christians are familiar with the story of humanity’s fall. But what followed and their response to a redeemer’s grace is less examined. In that moment of disobedience, Adam and Eve decided they were better arbiters of God’s will than God.
Ownership is Essential
God calls out to Adam and Eve, but they hide (Gen 3:8-9). For the first time in history, they know something is wrong. Their sin has somehow separated them from the Creator, who has provided, protected, and given them life.
Their answer to God’s inquiry is not one of confession and repentance but one that continues to plague people today: they blame someone or something else. Adam blames Eve, and Eve blames the serpent. Together, they ultimately blame God (Gen 3:10-13). But at the root of both their problems was their belief that they knew better than their Creator. They allowed the influence of a serpent to be more powerful than the commands of their Creator. We are not so different.
A Misplaced Priority
In a world filled with messages extolling the good of personal satisfaction, self-care, and inner peace, we have prioritized our satisfaction over every other need in our lives. Rather than forego personal pleasure, we contemplate ways to attain it. Rather than looking out for the good of others by obeying God’s commands in our own lives, we seek to manipulate others through our words of flattery and affirmation. Like our ancestors, we believe our ways are better than God’s.
The need to feel a sense of control in a chaotic and sometimes incomprehensible world can cause us to seek relief from whatever incongruence or pain we feel. Rather than run to our faithful Father, who already sees and knows our needs, we take matters into our own hands and find pleasures in sin rather than our Savior.
Discover the Root
What is at the root of your sin? Do you believe you have a better way? How has that worked out? Do you blame others for past hurts that impact present feelings or actions? Is there a legitimate emotional need that has been distorted? Is there a deep relational or emotional pain you are trying to medicate? What lie do you believe supplants the truth of God’s love and care for you? You must confess and forsake the root, manifesting the fruit of your disobedience, and repent!
Rather than submitting to your felt needs, may your desire to meet them draw you closer to the only One who can truly meet your needs – Jesus. Today, I would challenge you to run to Jesus rather than away from Him. There is no place to hide from God and no need to do so. He knows you, sees your sin, is willing to forgive, and has already proven His love for you. He has given His only son to redeem us if you will put your trust in Him. Will you decide to trust Jesus and allow Him to be in control? He will not disappoint.