Mission: Living Hope's mission is to proclaim God's truth as we journey with those seeking sexual and relational wholeness through a more intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.

We provide a safe place for individuals seeking restoration and healing through weekly support group meetings, moderated online support forums, in-depth discipleship programs, and active partnerships with churches around the world.

We believe the Scriptures are clear about God’s design for sexuality, and that ultimate joy is found through surrender to Christ. The Gospel of Jesus has the power to transform hearts, and a vibrant relationship with Him changes every aspect of our lives. By providing an environment where men and women are given the freedom to grow in the truth of God’s Word, we see restoration and wholeness emerge from confusion and chaos as we journey with those seeking congruence with their faith, their feelings, and God’s truth revealed in His Word.


Living Hope was founded in 1989 by a seminary student who was secretly wrestling with questions of faith and sexuality. He knew his questions must be honestly addressed in order for him to become a healthy minister or husband, but his church and seminary did not provide a safe space for him to share. He began meeting with a small group of godly men who were experiencing the same tension between their faith and sexuality. They would support each other through prayer and a continual reliance on the Word of God. Over three decades later, Living Hope continues to be a refuge for men and women who are searching for a place of healing and wholeness through a more intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.

As homosexuality, gender confusion, and sexual and relational brokenness become more accepted in our culture, Living Hope Ministries also serves as a resource and support for local congregations throughout the world who desire to journey with men, women, youth, wives, and families as they seek to align their lives with the truths of God’s Word.  Our desire is both to equip churches with a deeper understanding of sexual and relational issues, and offer specific support to men and women who are directly affected by homosexuality.

We believe sexual and relational struggles are complex issues that are greatly impacted by a perceived  relational wounding, and are likewise restored through vibrant, healthy and safe relationships rooted in obedience to Christ. Our hope is that men and women will honestly confront their questions and fears with us in order to move forward into a life of ongoing freedom and active participation in their local churches and the Kingdom of God.


Living Hope Ministries is an ecumenical organization that is Christ-centered, gospel-oriented, and God-honoring.